Tori Amos album art

Eep! Not only is this an alert sound on the classic Mac OS, but I said it as well. I didn't get around to writing up my weekly "what inspires me" post yesterday. The good thing is, I'm writing up about it now! One day late... well almost two days, not too bad, right?

I'm pretty stoked to do some show n' tell about Tori Amos with you all. I've been a fan of her music for... let me think... seven years now. It's funny that I'm writing about her, to be honest, in the last year I haven't listened to her much. I own her latest album titled American Doll Posse... and have maybe listened to it only twice. Writing up this post has been good for me to get back into her music (I'm actually listening to that album right now). Four years ago I had the pleasure of seeing her perform live. My jaw dropped seeing how she jumps back and forth between four keyboards & pianos. My oh my, she's got talent.

Not only has her music influenced me, but I absolutely love all of her albums' art. They are visually stamped in my brain, if that tells you anything. They are very representational of her and the lyrics that she whimsically belts out. Since I've imported all my music into iTunes, my CDs rarely see light these days. They are all tucked away in storage. This last week I pulled them out so I could scan them to share. Pulling things out of storage always takes longer than I anticipate. I'm the type of person that likes to pull everything out, I love to reorganize and easily get nostalgic over pieces of paper... in this case, album art. Before I start listing a few of favorites below, I first wanted to show you the huge Tori Amos print that hangs in my living room- framed by my good friend Steve. This print is from her '98 album, From The Choirgirl Hotel.

Tori Amos framing

The image below comes from the same album. The CD booklet folds up into three sections. I love how it looks like a miniature Tori was laid on a photocopier. Dramatic shadows- love, love, love!


Speaking of a miniature version of Tori, her album Under The Pink has been the most influential to me as an Artist. Below you can see a tiny version of Ms. Amos (on the right) laying among twigs, wings, syringes, eggs, and microscope slide. I love the combination of nature & scientific elements and how they make a path spiraling inward. Someday I hope to see a larger version beyond the 4 3/4" CD booklet, even if I have been spoiled with my humongous framing. The Under The Pink booklet also includes a closer image of Tori and her root-like hair, which I happily scanned and posted below.


underpink_2After looking over these images and falling in love with them, I've wondered what the artist's or designer's process was like, from the brainstorming step and to the development one. But maybe I would dislike it if the steps were broken down right in front of me. Would this spoil the mystery and amazement of these photography pieces?