New Portland magnets

I'm back from my annual 2-week Nebraska trip. I had a great time but I'm so happy to be back in PDX. I missed this city so much! Today I'm making a new version of my Portland magnet. These guys will be available soon in a few local shops! I'll keep ya all posted. Making new Portland magnets


Casting Cabochons

Here's a sneak peek of what I've been up to! Casting vintage cabochons. These new sparkly teal resin ones will be made into rings. Let me know if you have your eye on one & I'll make a reserved listing for you in my Etsy shop. 10265656_10152141558233601_3322147574408654191_o

Here's a close up of one of the cabochons I created with resin. You can see the original vintage Czech glass cabochon in the background. It's the blue & white one.
