Question of the Day
Home Sweet Home
Ah Portland. It's so incredibly good to see you again.
Flying high above layers of cotton candy clouds and thinking fondly about my Nebraska trip.
My trip to Nebraska was pretty... pretty... pretty good. *throwin' in a Larry David reference.* I wish there was enough time to see everyone though. I was always on the go- riding in a car to Lincoln, Columbus, Nebraska City, and Omaha. My trip included visiting with my family, in-laws, & a few friends. I am very thankful to have the opportunity to see them. And for that matter, so thankful to be able to be a part of my best friend's special day, her wedding. Just you wait, I'll be posting pictures very soon!
Enjoying the sunset, drawing in my sketchbook, and anxiously waiting for my connecting flight to PDX.
I will also be posting some snaps of my most recent doodles and sketches very soon. I've been working on two sketchbooks at the same time. Silly, I know.
Well I would love to share more about my Nebraska trip, but I've got to get going here. So much stuff to catch up on! See ya on Friday.