Finland Folk Dancers

Finland folk dance drawing

Lately I've been intrigued of my ancestry. During my visit home to Nebraska, my grandma sent me home with some books about Finland. I've been having fun skimming the glossy pages of pictures and drawing in my sketchbook. My old high school art teacher, Ms. D would be proud of my continuous lines.

Poppy Seed gets a little face lift

Poppy Seed drawing print has a slight new look. It will be released very very soon. To pre-order a 5"x7" or 8"x10" print be sure to drop me a line.

Handmade button ring

I heart buttons. I have so many buttons, it's ridiculous. I have a vintage Pyrex bowl filled with them. Speaking of items soon to be released, I will be listing little surprises in the shop like button rings. Each ring has a antique brass band and is topped off with eye catching buttons.

Herb print framing order

I did a print & framing custom order last week. Aren't they exquisite? I love these 16" x 20" frames with their milky white mats. From left to right: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, and Poppy Seed.

Giveaway is getting a lil bit sweeter

My first ever giveaway is getting a lil' bit sweeter. Now you can win 2 prints of mine– Coriander & Poppy Seed!

First Ever Giveaway!

First Ever Giveaway!

I'm also extending it. The winner will be now contacted and announced on Monday, November 9th.

To win all you have to do is write a comment below, along with your name and an email address!

New Herb Drawings: Ginger & Poppyseed

"Growing throughout the tropics, ginger has fragrant flowers often used in native garlands. The seasoning comes from the roots called "hands" which are sun-bleached, then shipped whole, broken or ground. It is excellent in roasts, biscuits, and puddings."


GingerprintClick here or illustration above to purchase & more info

"The best poppy seeds are produced from the Holland variety of the familiar poppy plant. A ripe pod holds hundreds of tiny seeds. Dried, these are crunchy and nutlike in breads, salads, and bland dishes."

Poppy Seed

Poppy SeedprintClick here or illustration above to purchase & more info