00013 of Standard Movement

Hello there!I have my 13th work of the Standard Movement series to share with you today! 00012 of Standard Movement

This 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" lil' masterpiece includes my signature coffee rings and globe-like orbs on vintage ledger paper. The blossoming bud happened to grab my attention on one of my many walks this week. It has such a sweet smell! Curiosity had me Googling to find the proper name for this thriving small tree. After a good ol' half hour... Ta da! It's a Kobushi Magnolia, and it's native to Japan.

00013 of Standard Movement - close-up

On the left, do you spot some handwriting? Yes, you do see correctly. Randomly yet meaningfully, I included a snippet of a fellow's charming message that was written in a young lady's 1976 yearbook. You ask, do I know these people? No. I am a collector of many vintage paper finds, including old yearbooks that people just happen to pass up. Looking beyond the musty smells of pages, I find myself in wonderment of it's background. I question, was it passed up because of the significant water damage and she felt it was no good? Or maybe this young lady's life ended and her belongings, including this yearbook were given away. Or maybe she flew halfway across the world in search of new adventures and was forced to leave all her belongings behind.

Along with surrounding myself with the delightful sweet smell of blossoming trees, I've been around not-so-pleasant smelling substances. In particular– epoxy resin, polyamine, and lacquer. I've been playing around with them to find the right fit to seal those darn fastidious picture frames. The ones that just don't allow space for glass, like pictured above.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! I will see you on Monday.

Snail mail delivery

I just love getting packages in the mail. One of my best friends from good ol' Nebraska sent me a package a few days ago, I thought I would share the excitement. Hmmm... what could be under all this newspaper? Snail mail delivery

Ah ha! Filigree picture frames to use with my art! Thank you, thank you! I'm so looking forward to recycling/reusing by painting them milky white & celery green and... seeing them wrapped around my artwork. My favorite are the two touching the bottom edge. They are metal and cloth, I haven't seen ones like these before.

Picture frame surprise!