SALE Pendant Necklaces

Happy May Day all!

I'm in such a good May Day mood that I'm having a sale on my necklaces... and today only! From now until midnight (PST) the Nurture thy Mind pendant necklaces will be listed as $30, instead of $40! Just in time for some of you to nab one for your mother for Mother's Day on May 10th!

Nurture thy Mind No. 3 Pendant Necklace

Nurture thy Mind No.3 Pendant Necklace - Weeping Willow - purchase

Nurture thy Mind No. 4 Pendant Necklace

Nurture thy Mind No.4 Pendant Necklace - Box Elder - purchase

Nurture thy Mind No. 5 Pendant Necklace

Nurture thy Mind No.5 Pendant Necklace - Cherry Blossom - purchase

Nurture thy Mind pendant necklaces

Nurture thy Mind No.1 Pendant NecklaceNurture thy Mind No.2 Pendant Necklace

Both Nurture thy Mind pendant necklaces have been purchased and sent off to their new homes. How thrilling!

Sold! Nurture thy Mind No.1 Pendant Necklace

I really fancy these petite artworks, I do, I do. The idea that art doesn't have to be displayed on a wall is sublime in my mind. This is true with my wooden block artworks too. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy working with flat surfaces like canvases and framing art too. I think I love bouncing back and forth, I love having options. So all in all, making these necklaces has been an eye-opening and positive experience for me and I want to continue to pursue them. So this weekend I'm planning on making at least two... maybe four. We'll just see.

Easter Weekend follow-up

Whew... I'm finally getting around to writing up my Monday post. What a busy bee I have been today! Sadly this will be a short one.

Easter weekend Easter 2009 ~ Posing with one of my Nurture Thy Mind necklace drawings

I hope everyone had a swell Easter weekend. Mine was pretty low-key this year, since my family is hundreds of miles away. Plus the fact that I am kinda holiday-ed out. But I did get around to some egg dying with a friend - evidence below. Ha! I mean how could I pass up the original PAAS Easter egg dye kit. Sometimes you just have to let out your inner child, am I right?

Favorite dyed egg

I'm such a lucky one to have a mother that sends a surprise package of sweet treats... chocolate, Peeps, gummy bunnies, frosted sugar cookies, etc. Oh my!

Easter goodie surprise