Make Friends

I made a new friend recently. More of a reacquaintance, really.


Not of human form, but of an art medium form. That is of gouache. It was in college when we were first introduced. I wasn't too interested then. Maybe it was because my college instructor only supplied our art bins with black and white.


Months ago I purchased a fine gouache colour set on a whim from a local art store.


It hasn't been 'til late that I decided to open them up. The newness of the year can sure motivate you to look back and think of the things you wanted to accomplish in the past year.

My first color gouache painting

As a result,  I'm so delighted to have gained a new friend in gouache paint.


Gouache are traditional water based opaque colours which give flat, smooth washes.

Starting my second gouache color painting

I've been hauling them around with me... even bringing them to morning lattes, instead of drawing.


My friend Kim knitting some fingerless gloves at 3 Friends Coffee House.



Saw this lil' guy... one of my favorite plant eating dinosaurs.

She's crafty!

This last weekend was incredible. I'll cherish it in my heart always, as mushy as that sounds. I want to send out a huge thanks to Cathy and Torie for organizing such an awesome show! And lest we not forget... to you all that came out and supported it! Crafty Wonderland is definitely a staple in making Portland what it is. I'm so thankful to be able to experience it. So much creative talent at the event. It was so cool to see the faces behind shops that I have favorited on Etsy. I wish I had a chance to go around and meet more of you!

I took many photos of the weekend. You can check them all out on my Flickr. I posted a few below too.

My booth & I in action!

Thanks to my friend Heidi for capturing this shot!

Make Something Awesome Area

Make Something Awesome Area organized by Hello Craft

People a shoppin'

People a shoppin'. I got to sneak out of my booth when it was quiet for a moment to snap a photo.
