
Cinnamon print

Cinnamon print :: 8” x 10” :: View in Etsy Shop

"Cinnamon, the bark of a tree, is one of the oldest known spices. Arab traders brought it from China in 1700 B.C. Its sweet, warm flavor makes it the most important baking spice."

Just drawing this made my mouth water for Apple Crisp. Mmmm! I think I might try this recipe on Martha Stewart.

Apple Crisp recipe(Click on the image below to be taken to it.)

Giveaway is getting a lil bit sweeter

My first ever giveaway is getting a lil' bit sweeter. Now you can win 2 prints of mine– Coriander & Poppy Seed!

First Ever Giveaway!

First Ever Giveaway!

I'm also extending it. The winner will be now contacted and announced on Monday, November 9th.

To win all you have to do is write a comment below, along with your name and an email address!

New Herb Drawings: Ginger & Poppyseed

"Growing throughout the tropics, ginger has fragrant flowers often used in native garlands. The seasoning comes from the roots called "hands" which are sun-bleached, then shipped whole, broken or ground. It is excellent in roasts, biscuits, and puddings."


GingerprintClick here or illustration above to purchase & more info

"The best poppy seeds are produced from the Holland variety of the familiar poppy plant. A ripe pod holds hundreds of tiny seeds. Dried, these are crunchy and nutlike in breads, salads, and bland dishes."

Poppy Seed

Poppy SeedprintClick here or illustration above to purchase & more info